Sunday, May 8, 2011

Laptop and Mobile Ergonomics

Adult or child laptop use at home, work or school

Laptop use while traveling on planes, trains and hotels

Safe tips on mobile or smart phone use while driving and traveling on the move


1 comment:

  1. I think those videos are fantastic. One of the best things about them is that they work just fine without any dialogue, so they're going to be understood no matter what language you speak. And they're not preachy either, they just show you best practice. Getting someone to improve their ergonomics often entails asking them to change the habits of a lifetime and preaching at them is a really poor way of convincing them to do so. You MUST use this laptop stand, you MUST hold your arms like this, you MUST do this, you MUST do that. No-one wants to hear it.

    Me personally, I constantly have to watch myself, as I'm naturally inclined to slouch. And as I'm the one who has to get everyone else as ergonomically friendly as possible, I know that it'll be noticed if I slip up.
