Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 26: Meatballs Soup with Misu


Our dinner.  Here’s the recipe. . .

You need:

For the meatballs: 230g minced pork; 1pc medium size carrot, shredded; 1pc medium onion, minced; 3pc cloves garlic, minced or shredded; 2 tbsp flour; 1pc egg; 1/4 tsp dried parsley; salt and pepper to taste.

For the soup: 1 pc medium onion, minced; cooking oil; 4 1/2 cups of water; fish sauce; 1pc pork cubes; 50g flour vermicelli or misu; and pepper to taste.

Optional: 2pc corn cub, cut small
  1. Combine all together meatball ingredients.
  2. In a casserole, heat cooking oil and saute onions.  Add water and bring to boil.  Add the pork cubes and small amount of fish sauce about 2tbsp. 
  3. Once water is boiling, form a ball on meatball mixture then drop carefully on soup.  Simmer until meatballs ready.  Optional: while simmering you can add the corn cub.
  4. Add the flour vermicelli and season to taste.  Simmer for a few minutes. 
  5. Serve hot and enjoy.


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