Thursday, July 15, 2010

How to separate an egg

I just found out that it is easier to separate egg yolk and white when cold.  Too bad cos yesterday I tried to bake meringue.  I just bought fresh eggs.  I used my remaining cold eggs first, it was easy separating them.  But when I used the fresh eggs, in room temperature, it was bad.  Haiz! So there were yolk in my whites, it was difficult for me to remove the yolk.  I even have an egg separator, it didn't help.  So I wasn't able to form a peak :(  The meringue is supposedly for Brazo de Mercedes.  I've also learned that it is better to have three bowls ready in separating egg, according to Joy of Cooking.  

Crack the egg in half and let the white drain into one bowl by transferring the yolk between the two halves of the shell. When done, put the yolk in the second bowl. When breaking the second egg, use the third bowl for the new egg white, so if some yolk gets mixed in with the white, you have not wrecked all your whites. If you do happen to get some egg yolk in with the white, remove the unwanted yolk by using an empty eggshell. Egg yolks will immediately start to form a skin after being separated.
Then when use in baking, leave them first for 30 to 60 minutes before using.

Learned my lesson.  Better, if my hubby do it for me, he's good! :D


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